Bringing Together BU & FAE Teams Fosters Innovation

MCC held its inaugural FAE Annual Summit in early June to deepen collaboration between our field application engineers (FAEs) and Business Unit (BU) members.

This collaborative endeavor focused on leveraging both teams’ collective technical knowledge and expertise to elevate customer service and enhance our product offerings.

Team members from diverse regions came together to exchange technical and market insights and align on strategic initiatives. Our global team’s willingness to share their diverse perspectives and experiences greatly contributed to the event’s success.

This partnership between our FAEs and BUs transcends our immediate organizational goals — it symbolizes MCC’s commitment to continuous improvement and exceeding customer expectations.

Focused on Technical Knowledge, Market Insights, and Customer Service

Fostering the ideal environment for creativity, problem-solving, and mutual support, the summit was the ideal platform for discussing how to better manage technical support requirements and enhancing team member expertise.

MCC’s FAEs and BUs shared best practices, lessons learned, and their unique approaches to solving challenges. Market dynamics, emerging technologies, and customer trends were among the key topics as both groups united to better serve evolving needs.


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Improved Collaboration Already Enhancing Operations

While the event was our first FAE Summit, we’re already reaping the benefits of this cross-division partnership, including:

  • Enhanced technical support - renewed cooperation between FAEs and BUs ensures customers receive comprehensive support tailored to their specific needs.
  • Innovative product development - bringing together FAEs and BU team members enabled us to align our innovative product roadmaps with current and future market demands.
  • Stronger partnerships - the summit bolstered the unity and teamwork within the organization and with our customers, paving the way for long-term success and growth. 

The success of MCC’s FAE Summit 2024 established a solid foundation for ongoing innovation and collaboration using a customer-centric approach. Building on the momentum of this year’s achievements, we look forward to taking our collaborative efforts even further at next year’s FAE Summit, where we will continue our relentless pursuit of improvement and innovation for our customers worldwide as well as our company. 


Events, News
Post by MCC
June 28, 2024
MCC is a proven global leader in discrete semiconductor solutions. With best-in-class service, a strategic support network and growing portfolio of 10,000+ high-quality components, we help our customers innovate in automotive, industrial and beyond.